Urgently Need Emergency Housing? What To Pack In Your Bug Out Bag

In 2022, over 3.4 million American adults unexpectedly needed to evacuate their homes due to hazardous or disastrous conditions.

In many incidents, children also made-up part of the equation, making the need for emergency housing even more urgent.

FEMA defines a natural hazard as an environmental event with the potential to disrupt society and the human environment.

A hazard becomes a disaster when it threatens life-supporting services such as water, power, and housing. Natural disasters include storms, tornadoes, flooding, and earthquakes.

Humans may even cause disasters such as cyber-attacks, chemical emergencies, and active shooter incidents.

When faced with a disaster, or even a financial crisis, you may need to evacuate your home immediately. The time to plan for an emergency evacuation is, of course, before a disastrous situation takes place. Packing a bag designated for emergencies makes sense for the entire family. Hopefully, you will never need to employ the bag you prepare, but if you do, it will make a difficult situation much more manageable.

Stay Informed

Inclement weather may result in an emergency, so always keep track of weather developments during tumultuous storms and potential risks of flooding or landslide situations. In addition to radio and television, consider alerts on your phone or tablet.

Keeping abreast of the news will also give you a heads-up regarding natural and human-influenced disasters.

Ensure you tune into a news source that goes beyond opinion and analysis and reports the notice directly. Bookmark your state’s official website to access important information quickly.

Prepare an Emergency Bag for all Family Members

When you pack a bag for the entire family, consider the age of your children and your pets. Since a child’s needs change with age, you should regularly review your emergency evacuation bag.

You will also want to check expiration dates yearly. Your emergency bag should include the following items:

  1. Important documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, passports, and insurance should be copied and stored in your emergency bag. Make sure to keep originals in a fireproof file cabinet or safe deposit box.
  2. Water in bottles or cans may be needed, especially if the water system in your area shuts down.
  3. Non-perishable food such as protein bars, dehydrated fruits, and dried meat such as jerky will last long in your emergency bag. Canned foods may also come in handy; just make sure to pack a can opener.
  4. Medications, both prescribed and over-the-counter, should be included in your emergency getaway bag. Ensure to store it in an appropriate container and label it clearly.
  5. You must also include a basic first-aid kit with bandages, pain medicine, and antiseptic wipes with your emergency bag.
  6. You also need to pack toiletries such as soap, deodorant, toothpaste, brushes, and shampoo. Consider purchasing shampoo in bar form for easier and space-saving packing.
  7. Clothing for all seasons also represents a necessity.
  8. If applicable, baby supplies such as clothing, diapers, food, and formula need to be part of the emergency bag.
  9. If you own a pet, you’ll need to pack supplies such as food and any medications.
  10. Entertainment such as books, games, puzzles, and coloring for kids and adults may be helpful if you need to spend time in an emergency shelter.
  11. Emergency cash for food and clothing also makes sense.

Keeping Your Emergency Bag in a Safe Place

You’ll want to consider your emergency exit strategy when deciding where to store your emergency bag(s). Consider investing in fire-proof and waterproof luggage for this purpose.

Another option involves storing your emergency bag with a nearby friend or relative. Duplicating your supplies and keeping them elsewhere would provide extra protection.

Most of us don’t expect to encounter an emergency. A 2020 FEMA survey concluded fewer than 68% of adults have taken steps to prepare for an emergency.

The time it takes to prepare supplies and pack bags for your family may help make a difficult time much more manageable.

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