WhatsApp Money Scams Every Smartphone Owner Should Know About

In a world where WhatsApp users are constantly being subjected to a wide range of potential scams, it pays to be proactive instead of reactive. That’s why this guide is here to help smartphone owners to learn more about all of the most prevalent WhatsApp money scams. In fact, the messaging company has done its best to educate its users about the frequency of these schemes.

By combining the company’s proactive stance with a bit of preventive medicine ourselves, it has never been easier to steer clear of these types of scams. Let’s start by taking a closer look at the most common scams that a WhatsApp user will have to contend with:

Subscription Scams

Users are targeted by fake WhatsApp representatives. They are told that their subscriptions are about to expire and provided with a link that they are supposed to click. Once the fraudulent link is clicked, the scammer will attempt to collect payment details. Those who fall for this scam end up leaving their most crucial financial information exposed.

Gift and Lottery Scams

Everyone wants something for nothing, so it only makes sense for scammers to prey on users’ desire for nice gifts and free money. Of course, there is only one way for the user to claim these make-believe prizes. They are asked to click on a link and provide their financial information. The prize never makes its way to the user but the scammers now have the details that they need.

Verification Scams

The user will receive a message that is allegedly from a friend or loved one. “They” will tell the user that they have entered the wrong number and that they need the verification code that was sent to them. As soon as the information has been provided, the scammer will continue to use it to carry out more scams in the future.

Phishing Scams

These types of scams are only becoming more and more prevalent. WhatsApp users have to contend with phishing scams that are perpetuated by scammers that are skilled at impersonating legitimate persons and corporations. The links and attachments that they are sending are designed to siphon your personal information, including your credit card number and social security number.

Helpful Tips For Personal Protection

Verify All Links

If you are wondering about the veracity of a certain message, there is nothing wrong with taking the time to verify the link first. This may take an extra minute or two but it will definitely save the user a great deal of annoyance. WhatsApp also marks links as being suspicious, so don’t make the mistake of ignoring these warnings.

Two Step Verification

WhatsApp also preaches to its users about the importance of two-step verification. This simple step provides your account with an added layer of protection by requesting a specific PIN number every time you log in. If your information falls into the wrong hands, this is a much-needed line of defense.

Remain Cautious

In many instances, wrongful requests will look suspicious if you are operating with the proper level of caution. Keep your guard up, proceed with caution and do not make the mistake of assuming that requests are made with your best interests at heart.

Block Suspicious Contacts

As soon as your scam detectors have started to go off, it is time to start blocking the suspicious contacts that are responsible for them. The contact not only should be blocked, they should also be reported to WhatsApp immediately. This helps other users to remain protected as well. Share the information with your friends and family, too. Word of mouth is sure to spread quickly when it comes to matters of personal safety.