Facing Eviction? What To Do If You Have Nowhere To Stay

Facing Eviction? What To Do If You Have Nowhere To Stay

(TheDailyCurrents.com) – Facing an eviction and potentially becoming homeless can be stressful and overwhelming.

Several reasons can lead to a home eviction.

Some of them include unemployment, the loss of a job, or an illness that prevents someone from working to pay their bills. People sometimes experience eviction with no place to go or stay.

If you are currently facing eviction, here’s what you can do to solve this issue.

Find Emergency Housing Options

The government provides several emergency housing programs for people with nowhere to go after the eviction process.

Almost every state has an emergency housing program with different rules based on the state where you reside. These programs can offer great assistance when facing eviction and having nowhere to stay.

Apply for Housing Vouchers

If you experience challenges when seeking emergency housing options, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides housing vouchers. You can find out from your local public housing agency if you qualify for a voucher.

Get Help from Legal Counselors

If you’re behind on rent and facing an eviction, there are many ways you can avoid an eviction. You can apply for emergency rental assistance or ask your attorneys about state or local protections.

If the landlord has filed a lawsuit against you, talk with a lawyer, and don’t delay. Although legal services may not be cheap, there are tenant organizations and legal aid societies that you can ask for help.

Move in with Family or Friends

You can ask your family or friends to stay with them for a specified period until you solve your situation. Family or friends may be willing to help if you request them. This is better than being homeless, especially if you have nowhere to stay.


Look for a Local Shelter

If your friends or family are far from the place where you stay, and you’re facing an eviction, look for local shelters. Local governments may provide shelters to accommodate people who have nowhere to stay. Although these shelters may be full, you can get a place to stay, and some charity organizations may offer necessities in these shelters, like food, clothing, and toiletries.

Borrow Money

Borrowing some money may be challenging, especially if you have a low credit score. But if you’re facing an eviction, borrowing money can help you get somewhere to stay. If you’re starting work, you can apply for payday loans. You can also ask friends and family for a temporary loan.

Use Credit Cards to Your Advantage

Credit cards can be very helpful if you’re low on cash and facing an eviction. If you have a credit card with a decent credit score, you can use it to pay rent temporarily. However, be careful not to overuse it because these transactions may come with high interest and permanently affect your credit score. Although some landlords may not accept credit card payments, you can still use your card to pay for a motel, hotel, or rental unit that doesn’t require a security deposit.

Sell Some Valuable Personal Items

Aside from borrowing funds, selling some valuable personal items may be an option if you are facing an eviction. You can sell jewelry, gadgets, clothes, furniture, or collectibles that aren’t essential. Although this option may not be ideal because you have to sell valuables with sentimental value, you can always get more after settling and not facing an eviction.

Live in Your Car for a While

Although this option may be uncomfortable, if you have nowhere to stay after eviction, your car can provide shelter for a short period until you sort out your situation. However, this should be your last option because cars may be extremely uncomfortable, especially during the winter.

An eviction can be a stressful situation that can significantly affect you. However, there are several solutions to this issue, such as government assistance, staying with friends and family, borrowing money to pay rent, and seeking local shelters.

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