Stretching Your Food Budget By Avoiding Major Grocery Stores

Stretching Your Food Budget By Avoiding Major Grocery Stores

(TheDaily – The cost of groceries keeps skyrocketing, and this means that shoppers need to find alternative methods of stretching their dollar. If you’re looking to purchase groceries without spending a lot of money, it might be necessary to avoid shopping in major grocery stores.

The post will provide tips on how you can stretch your budget by avoiding major grocery stores.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

When you become a member of CSA, you can purchase your eggs, fruits and vegetables directly from farmers. It provides a cheap way to purchase agricultural produce without spending a lot of money and is a good alternative to your local grocery store.

CSA provides you with an opportunity to purchase local harvest weekly or monthly, depending on your needs and preferences. You get to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at a fraction of the price that you would normally spend in a grocery store.

Ethnic Stores

Ethnic stores provide some specialty items at a cheaper price. When you visit your local grocery store, take some time to search for the ethnic section if you’re looking for cheap sauces, vinegar and curry.

Some Asian markets provide products at affordable prices, and that’s why you need to consider looking for ethnic stores when you’re shopping on a budget. If you want to purchase lentils, couscous and rice in bulk, consider purchasing them from Middle Eastern stores. Most Hispanic stores provide fresh tamales and chilies at customer-friendly prices.


Gardening is a good way to save some money, especially if you have a patio or yard. Take the opportunity to grow something you like and need, such as aloe vera and potted herbs. Utilizing your outdoor space by engaging in gardening will save you a lot of money in the long-term, and you might even sell some of your products to the local grocery stores.

You only need to invest $70 in your garden, and your investment can help you save approximately $500. The good thing about having your own garden is that you can be selective in the type of produce that you can grow, including herbs, green beans, cherry tomatoes and salad greens.

Purchasing Directly from Farmers

If you have the contacts of a rancher or farmer, you can consider purchasing products directly from them. Purchasing products directly from the farmers allows you to purchase meat, vegetables and fruits at a fraction of the price that you would get if you purchased them from the grocery shop.

If you’re looking for grass-fed and organic products, purchasing directly from farmers provides reassurance that you’re getting the right products at a discounted price.

Farmers Market

There are many farmers markets today and they are practically everywhere. They are a good alternative to a local grocery shop, and they provide a good place for purchasing fresh produce at discounted prices. Apart from this, you will get an opportunity to see new crafts, plants, music and food tents.

The farmers markets have transformed shopping into a fun and engaging experience. You get the opportunity to shop produce at affordable prices and still engage with artists who are showcasing their craft.

The only disadvantage of shopping in the farmers market is that you don’t get a wide variety of products to choose from. Therefore, it’s essential to create a meal plan based around the products that are available.

Outlet Stores

Most outlet stores might have products that haven’t sold in a long time, but this doesn’t make them inedible. The packaging of these products might be strange, and the label might not be the most attractive. However, you still get quality products and that’s why you need to inspect and try some of them before purchasing them.

Outlet stores provide good bargains if you’re willing to dedicate some time searching for the products you need. You can sometimes get products at a price that is 50 or 80% less compared to that found in conventional grocery stores.

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