Don’t Forget To Claim Your Facebook Privacy Settlement

( – Following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, US Facebook users who used the platform between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022, can claim their share of the massive settlement over privacy violation. However, users must fill out a claim form before receiving their share. And with time running out, don’t forget to claim your Facebook privacy settlement. Let’s look at everything you need to know about Facebook’s privacy settlement and how you can proceed.

What is the Facebook Privacy Settlement?

The Facebook privacy settlement follows a lawsuit against Facebook in one of the largest data leaks. This is after it was discovered that Facebook shared its users’ data with third parties, including the data and political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica, without their permission.

The breach gave Cambridge Analytica access to the personal data and social media activities of millions of Facebook users in the US. The company then used the data to build detailed voter profiles to aid Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaigns.

While Facebook’s parent company, Meta, denied liability and wrongdoing, the company agreed to a $725 million settlement. Therefore, anyone who had an active US Facebook account between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022, can submit a claim. The application process is straightforward, and you won’t have to prove that any third party obtained your data.

How to Claim Your Facebook Privacy Settlement

You have until August 25, 2023, to submit a claim to get part of the $725 million Facebook privacy settlement. Eligible users won’t get any money if they fail to file their claim before the deadline. They also waive their right to sue Facebook for the same privacy violation. Here are the different ways you can claim your Facebook privacy settlement.

Filing online

Users can effortlessly file a claim through the dedicated claim website. Here are the steps you can take:

  1. Visit the Settlement Claim website
  2. Enter your personal and contact details
  3. Fill out the remaining sections
  4. Select your preferred method of receiving payment
  5. Verify your application
  6. Submit the claim form

You can only file a claim for one Facebook account. If you have multiple accounts, use the one you had open the longest.

By mail

Alternatively, you can also print out the claim form and mail them to the settlement administrator through the following address

Facebook Consumer Privacy User Profile Litigation

c/o Settlement Administrator

1650 Arch Street Suite 2210

Philadelphia, PA 19103

What Information Do You Need?

You will be required to provide the following information while applying for your claim of the settlement:

  • Your name
  • Address
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number
  • Confirm whether you lived in the US and had a Facebook account between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022
  • Your Facebook account’s username
  • Desired payment method

You can also claim your Facebook privacy settlement even if you deleted your account. You’ll have to specify the period within which your account was active. Additionally, users can receive funds through various payment methods, including PayPal, Prepaid Mastercard, Venmo, Zelle, or direct deposits through ACH. Claimants can also request a paper check through the provided link.

How Much Money Can You Get from the Facebook Settlement?

Typically, there is no set amount for each claimant to receive. The amount of money you’ll receive will depend on various factors, including how many people fill out a claim. Therefore, it’s still unclear how much each person will receive.

According to the settlement website, every claimant will get one point for each month they had an active Facebook account. The administrator will then add the total points assigned and divide by the settlement amount after deducting other fees.

These fees include administrator and legal fees of the plaintiff’s attorneys, which are capped at 25% of $725 million. Each claimant will receive the amount depending on the assigned points. Therefore, long-term Facebook users are more likely to receive larger payouts.

When Can You Receive Your Facebook Privacy Settlement

It’s also unclear when authorized claimants can receive their share of the settlement. However, you shouldn’t expect payment until later this year. The final approval hearing is set for September 7, during which the court will approve the settlement and award the legal fees and other costs. The case may also face appeals, which would delay the settlement further. As a result, it’s impossible to estimate when claimants will receive their settlement.

While it’s unlikely to result in a big payday, it’s still worth claiming your share of the $725 million Facebook privacy settlement. These settlements help send a message on the importance of data privacy. Facebook users can only collect a piece of the settlement if they fill out a claim before August 25 and were active users between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022. Therefore, don’t forget to file your claim for compensation if you’re eligible.

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