6 Tips For Keeping Your Energy Costs Low This Summer

6 Tips For Keeping Your Energy Costs Low This Summer

(TheDailyCurrents.com) – The summer months can be stressful for many, especially those on a tight budget. Keeping your home cool is not just for comfort, but for health, but it can be difficult to manage the increased costs. There are endless ways to lower energy costs during summer. For one, you can insulate your home or office to prevent excessive heat transfer to your interior. With good insulation, your AC doesn’t have to run constantly to cool your indoor spaces.

Other great ways to minimize energy wastage in the summer include:

1. Maintaining Your Air Conditioning System

Servicing AC just before summer can reduce energy costs by 20% – 50%. The reason is that broken air conditioners need to run constantly to keep indoor temperatures down. This continuous operation increases electricity consumption.

Therefore, it’s essential to schedule an AC service before summer. A technician will help clear clogged filters and make sure the coolant level is at the proper level. Furthermore, the technician will repair ductwork leaks to maximize cooling.

2. Replace Incandescent Bulbs With LED Light Bulbs

Incandescent bulbs are never ideal when looking to conserve energy in the summer. These bulbs use 75% more electricity than modern LED bulbs; as a result, manufacturers are phasing out incandescent bulbs.

Thus, swapping the incandescent bulbs with incandescent ones is another suitable way to lower energy costs. Besides the superb energy efficiency, LED incandescent bulbs also have a long life. They last 10-20 times longer than their incandescent siblings.

3. Go Solar

Summer is one of the right times to supplement grid power with solar. The longer days and increased sunlight help generate enough energy for your cooling needs. In fact, solar energy can even reduce your dependence on the electric grid.

The initial cost of installing solar panels may seem discouraging at first. Notwithstanding, with time, you’ll get the money you spend back. You’ll be using free solar power instead of relying on the grid. Furthermore, the government can give you incentives if you go green.

4. Use Fans

Unlike air conditioning, fans use little energy to cool your rooms. Therefore, using them would be an excellent way to cut energy waste. In particular, running a ceiling fan 24/7 only adds $5 to your monthly energy bill. This cost is far too low to run an AC.

Install and set your ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise. This rotation will create a downward flow of air, thereby cooling your space better. Additionally, you can use portable fans to cool specific areas like the bedroom.


Exposure to direct sunlight increases your indoor temperatures. As a result, you’ll need to run your AC consistently to cool the temperatures. Therefore, if your windows face the sun, find creative ways to block the sun from your interior.

You can use blinds or curtains to block the direct sunlight. As an alternative, you can use window or tinting films to reduce the amount of direct sunlight getting into your room. There are endless ways to minimize the amount of sun getting into your interior.

6. Install a Programmable Thermostat

Installing programmable thermostats is another excellent way to reduce energy costs during summer. These tools regulate your air conditioner;’s function according to your cooling needs.

For instance, you can set the programmable thermostat to power off your AC when you are not at home. The auto function will ensure that your AC does not use electricity when you do not need to cool your interior.

During summer, your dependency on air conditioners, fans, refrigerators and other appliances increases. This over-reliance increases your electricity consumption and costs. Fortunately, you can reduce the costs by servicing your AC before summer and keeping the sun off your indoor space. You can also supplement your grid power with solar energy to reduce energy costs.

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