Was Your SSDI Application Denied? What To Do Next

Was Your SSDI Application Denied? What To Do Next

(TheDailyCurrents.com) – If you recently applied for Social Security Disability Income but your application was denied, you are not alone. Approximately 65% of SSDI applications are initially denied. There are a number of reasons that your claim may have been denied, but there are things that you can do to appeal the decision. Many applications are approved after one appeal so it is important to determine why your claim was rejected and your next steps to file an appeal.

Common Reasons Why SSDI Applications Are Denied

Even though your claim is legitimate and you are unable to work, your claim may be denied anyway. Some of the common reasons SSDI applications are denied are:

  • Medical Evidence  Your application for benefits must be thorough and complete and clearly show that your disability prevents you from working. This is probably the number one reason that applications for benefits are denied.
  • Earnings  SSDI benefits are for people whose disability prevents them from working. If you are able to continue to work and your earnings are high enough, you are not eligible for benefits.
  • Treatment If your doctor has advised or prescribed treatments for your disability or if you only partially follow the medical directions, your claim could be denied. An examiner would be unable to conclude if you could work if you had followed the medical directions and advice.
  • Cooperation  If you are asked for further information and do not respond or do not respond in a timely manner, your application will be denied. It is important that you are cooperative and forthcoming with all information you are asked to provide.
  • Procedure  If you have received an initial denial of benefits, you can file an appeal in an established order. Do not file a new claim until you go through the appeal process or too many applications will cause your claim to be denied.

What to Do If Your SSDI Application Has Been Denied

Even though you received a document from the SSA that explains why they have denied your application for benefits, you have the right to appeal and have another review done of your case. It is not unusual to be denied after the first application, only to be approved after one of the following steps:

  1. Reconsideration  Reconsideration is the first step in the appeal process. If you receive a denial that explains the reasons that your application was rejected and you do not agree with the decision, you can submit Form SSA-561 for reconsideration. This process allows your case to be “reconsidered” by someone who was not involved with the first review of your application. You should file for reconsideration within 60 days of receiving your decision for denial of benefits.
  2. Hearing  If your case has been reconsidered and has been denied again, you can ask for a hearing with an administrative law judge by completing Form HA-501. These local hearings are conducted to present evidence and the judge will either support the SSA’s decision to deny your application or overturn it and grant benefits. If the judge denies your claim, you can still appeal to a higher court.
  3. Medical Evidence  If there is something new or information was omitted, it may be helpful to submit the evidence. Your medical professionals will complete a residential function capacity form as well as any other information pertinent to your claim. Affidavits from doctors and therapists are essential in proving your case.
  4. Attorney  Having an attorney who specializes in Social Security Disability Income benefits can be essential in proving your disability and fighting for your rights. They are well-versed in the proper forms to use, the information needed, and the timetables that are essential in proving your eligibility.

If your SSDI benefits have been denied, there is still hope in getting the help you need. If you can no longer work because of your disability, it is important to appeal a negative decision by the SSA with the help of an SSDI-specializing attorney. They can keep you on track, work to successfully appeal your case, and use their experience to navigate the legal system.

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